Zyrtec | Gogle:
Talk To Google

To celebrate the launch of the Zyrtec Allergycast for Google Assistant, Society and Versus concepted and created a beautiful :15 spot featuring top seasonal allergies and their symptoms in a campaign entitled, the ‘Art of Allergies.’

With the Zyrtec Allergycast, all users have to do is activate Google Assistant then ask Google to talk to Zyrtec, which will then bring up the Zyrtec app and open up interaction on allergy information, including information like the pollen count, the local weather, and the predominant allergens that can be found in the area. 

To define the art of allergens such as sunflowers, asters, chrysanthemums, daisies and more, Versus used a mix of vector based design and both 2D and 3D animation to create a Kaleidescopic effect that tied together the Zyrtec bottle and oral arrangements Flower in a seamless and cohesive style.